An Open Question Regarding Female Friendships

An Open Question Regarding Female FriendshipsDo ALL packs of girlfriends, when convening as a group for the first time in a long time, immediately dispose of bras or bikini tops or any other clothing apparatus that shields ones’ bare breasts? Do they all also immediately dispose of any semblance of sobriety, reaching for Coronas and spiked lemonades and shots of tequila as soon as the hello hugs are out of the way? Do they cancel any and all scheduled dinners or activities that would otherwise require covering up said breasts and/or ceasing to consume vast amounts of alcohol and pot and ciggies in a teepee? Just curious.


we chanted that probably 400 times on saturday after leaving the heavenly stone fox bride! (missed you, nb!) marlyn – – badass bride extraordinaire, who ate a celebratory CHEESESTEAK on the street immediately after purchasing her WEDDING DRESS, and one of my oldest and dearest bffs – – chose a dress at the FIRST place she went and, like, ON THE SPOT. i wish i had cojones like that. anyway, she looked so beautiful, and i am so so so thrilled to have the honor of standing up with her in 158 days as she marries her awesomely funny and sweet dude: mikey. brides: go to stone fox bride! pics of the bride and her entourage, the ethereal, fantastical decor, and AK and karen drunk on sofia cans, below. love you, mar! xx

bride and entourage. veils. rug. sparkly tassels. bridal teepee. flowers. another sick rug.  karen and ak.beautiful tree.bridal cheesesteaks.






Just wrote a whole, heartleft, Sorry For Not Blogging More Of Late post – and it disappeared. So, all I have time to offer now is this wimpy and not-so-great pic: The Boucher sisters, snapped on Thanksgiving Day in the fair state of New Jersey.

in honor of dave & ariel’s TEN DAY anniversary

a peek back at some sweet moments from the day my little bestie pal got hitched. it was the most wonderful day, the most wonderful weekend and just so… yes, wonderful to see and feel all the sweet love just overflowing everywhere. it was also one hell of a party. (as in: one moment not captured here: ariel and i inexplicably standing on a picnic table outside the hotel at sometime past 3am the night of.)

sweet flower smiles. The Bus Ride, during which little E ran up and down the aisle between ariel and dave. bridesmaids, contemplating ariel as a married woman (and what a sweet venue they chose). the bride, moments before taking her dad’s arm and heading down to the beach. the Main (Perfect, Twinkly, Beachy, Romantic) Event. the entertainment post-wedding, pre-bus.